Watch Dr. Mark Cheng demonstrate movements from the Yang Style form and the fighting applications. He explains why Yang Style is practiced slowly and how movements can be defensive and offensive when done quickly. Please be patient with the ads that you may need to click through because Dr. Cheng does a great job of demonstrating, along with Jesse Enkamp, several moves that even beginners will find familiar.
To be honest, the picture above is about general self-defense training, not tai chi moves BUT, I caught your attention! Tai chi IS about balance and health benefits, but understanding the purpose of the moves deepens your understanding of what you are doing. It may also encourage you to move on to training in the fighting form (in person with a highly qualified trainer is best if you go that route. Be careful out there!) That "old people in parks" impression is not as accurate as some may think. Enjoy!
I started with the simple 8 form and will be advancing to the 24 form. I look forward to working with my instructor and gaining more confidence and better balance.